Gender reveal parties are in the news recently and not for a great reason. We know the excitement behind a GRAND party. Heck, our founder and CEO had one which inspired the Gender Reveal Game.

We understand that everyone is waiting anxiously and asking you the gender question over and over. However, before you google “gender reveal party ideas” one more time, here are some important points to consider. Don’t make headlines for the wrong reason.
When planning your gender reveal party, please consider the safety of yourself, party attendees and our environment.
While we understand that announcements by explosive smoke bombs, cannons, planes, rockets, cars, go karts, and all of the sorts seem to look absolutely amazing, and present an opportunity to go viral on social media- none are good options and here’s why.
* Confetti / glitter – Both of these pollute the parks where the parties are held. We have to be kind to all beings while celebrating new life!
* Cars- Rigging an exhaust pipe to blow out colored smoke seems cool, but runs the risk of causing the car to catch fire. Please be safe.
* Explosives – Risk of SERIOUS injury to you or someone attending your party by the explosion/materials exploding. Not to mention the risk of starting an actual wildfire that could potentially burn down your neighbors homes and community. Fires from gender reveal games gone WRONG have destroyed over 50,000 acres!!!
* Planes – Risk of SERIOUS injury to you and partygoers (like in 2019 when a plane crashed after preforming a reveal!)
Seriously, please be safe and use caution when planning your big day! The good news is that is a safe, digital, fun, eco friendly, none fire producing option for your big reveal. It makes YOU money, and you can still use your balloons (see our simple yet awesome DIY box here!) for an amazing photo op!